Ministry Update 2020

“We also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope.” –Romans 5:3-4

2020 was a year of perseverance. But we can take heart and glory in our suffering as Romans 5 says, knowing that Christ can use even our suffering to develop perseverance within us. 

Since 2003, Finding Purpose has persevered in its belief that the only way to understand one’s purpose in life is through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. This year made that all the more clear. And even though 2020 threw some new challenges our way, we remain steadfast in our mission to glorify God by making Him known.

As we persevered together, we saw refinement in the character of our community and experienced incredible growth in three key areas this year: 

        1. Expanding our impact
        2. Focusing on outreach
        3. Reaching a younger generation

We believe the Lord is doing something new with Finding Purpose, and we eagerly look ahead with hope to 2021 and beyond. Here are a few exciting things down the road for us as we seek to go both deep and wide as a ministry:

1. Going wide with outreach efforts
2. Going deep with The Men’s Study

1. Going wide with outreach efforts

Expanding radio ministry with The Truth Network

Hosting men’s events (as we’re able)

Growing our devotional list to reach more men and women

Increasing digital presence on social media to reach a younger audience

2. Going deep with The Men's Study

Filling every seat (500+) at The Men’s Study

Cultivating meaningful relationships with one another through Bible studies and discipleship

“And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us.” –Romans 5:5

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We thank you for your generous support of Finding Purpose. This ministry would not be possible without the gifts of your prayer, time and treasure.