


“On the evening of the fourteenth day of the month, while camped at Gilgal on the plains of Jericho, the Israelites celebrated Passover.” – Joshua 5:10


Like circumcision, Passover is an Old Testament shadow (Hebrews 10:1) that points to a New Testament reality — the cross. Every year the Israelites celebrated Passover in remembrance of the night God’s wrath passed over their homes which were protected by the blood of sacrificial lambs (Exodus 12).

More importantly, it was God’s desire that their descendants would see the ‘good thing’ to which Passover pointed—the cross. Passover points to the cross. Jesus shed his blood on the cross so that all men might be saved. When God sees that a man is covered by the blood of Christ, by faith, His wrath passes over that man. All one has to do is run to the cross and Jesus’ blood will shield you from the coming wrath of God.

1 Thessalonian 1:10 states, “Jesus, who rescues us from the coming wrath.” Have you truly come to the cross? If not, why not do so now! There is no better place to hide than at the foot of the cross.