Have You Acknowledged Jesus?

Jesus said, “Whoever acknowledges me before men, I will also acknowledge him before my Father in heaven. But whoever disowns me before men, I will disown him before my Father in heaven.”  — Matthew 10:32-33

What do you think it means to acknowledge someone? Webster defines this word as follows:
1. To admit as true.
2. To recognize the authority or claims of.
3. To respond to.
4. To express thanks for.
5. To state that one has received (a letter).

The Greek word used here in Matthew 10 is homologeō, which means “to assent, accord, agree with” or “to confess, declare, admit.” In the context of Matthew 10, homologeō means to confess allegiance publicly to Jesus Christ.

When someone acknowledges that he or she is a follower of Jesus Christ, they’re confessing that they believe everything He said is true, they recognize His authority over their lives, they have responded to Him in faith and are expressing thanks to Him for their salvation, and finally, they have received Him into their hearts by faith. So, let me ask you, have you truly acknowledged Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior publicly? Have you ever shared with a close friend or family member that you believe in Jesus?

Matthew 10:32-33 contains both a promise and a warning. Jesus promises that if we are willing to acknowledge Him in this life, He will acknowledge us in the next life. Imagine dying, stepping into Heaven and watching as Jesus turns to His heavenly Father and announces, “________ belongs to us! _________ was willing to share his faith in me with those he encountered in his life on earth!” Can you imagine the joy you will feel? On the other hand, Jesus warns that if we refuse to acknowledge Him in this life, He will refuse to acknowledge us in the life to come. Imagine what that will feel like.

Here is my challenge to you. Find someone near and dear to you and share with them that you have placed your trust in Jesus. Confess to someone that you believe in Jesus, if you really do. If you are not sure where you stand with Jesus, then take care of that now. Bow your head and receive Him into your heart by faith. John 1:12 says, “Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God.” Receive Jesus into your heart by faith now! Then, go and tell someone what you have done!